Dance Calendar
2024 - 2025
*Schedule is subject to change at any time.*
September 3rd - First Day of Classes
October 28th to October 30th - Halloween Week! Dancers may wear costumes to class!
October 31st - Halloween Night (no classes)
November 25th to November 29th - Thanksgiving Break (no regular classes - but there will be Polar Express rehearsals!)
December 6th - "The Polar Express" Dress Rehearsal at CPAC
December 7th & December 8th - "The Polar Express" Performances at CPAC
December 23rd to January 3rd - Holiday Break (no classes)
February 17th to February 21st - February Vacation (no classes)
March 14th - Recital costume balances due
April 21st to April 25th - April Vacation (no classes)
May 2nd and May 3rd - Temporary Photo Days at the Studio
May 26th - Memorial Day (no classes)
June 13th - Recital Dress Rehearsal at CPAC
June 14th and June 15th - 47th Annual Recital Performances at CPAC